reactoonz peli

Some thoughts

Every year at a certain point we start to compare the fishing to previous years and as I sit here while people finish their drinks in the lodge I decided to look 10 years back and make an comparison about number of salmon caught from the 14th of July.  Like always the results are surprising... or are they!!  At least this year is the second best from 2003 so we keep our hopes high and wish this continues like that.  Below is a table with the comparison and the total of salmon caught each year.

Date and year Salmon caught Annual total
14/7 2013  150  
14/7 2012 76 320
14/7 2011 93 728
14/7 2010 196 1223
 14/7 2009 91 1398
14/7 2008 111 1111
14/7 2007 50 786
14/7 2006 92 936
14/7 2005 90 1101
 14/7 2004 75 778
 14/7 2003 50 496


This is how it looks like and the funny thing about this table is that there is no pattern in number of salmon caught at a specific time and the total salmon caught each year.  For that is many factors but I dont what to go in details about that for now.

But lets look at some fishing news and we are happy to say that salmons are caught all over the river and few big ones have been landed and only 2 days ago a 105 cm salmon was caught. 

We will try to post more news but you can always follow our fishing by looking at the fishing reports.  We also post new pictures on the 2013 fishing photo gallery on the page.


Save releases,
Pétur Pétursson